algorithm description中文什么意思

发音:   用"algorithm description"造句
  • algorithm:    n. 【数学】算法;规则系统;演段。 ...
  • description:    n. 1.记述,叙述,描写;记载。 ...
  • by description:    按描述; 凭文字说明; 依描述
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  1. This paper achieves expected digital filters program through algorithms descriptions , analyzing and realization , simulation , comparing on error and speed . this paper achieves expected digital interpolations program through algorithms descriptions , analyzing and realization , simulation , comparing on error and speed
    本文应用matlab信号处理工具箱,通过对数字滤波器算法的描述、算法分析、实验仿真、误差比较,及性能比较,最终获得满足要求的数字滤波程序,并编译成c + +源代码文件配合主程序调用,完成了系统联调。
  2. We came up with algorithm descriptions and reinforced our conclusion by means of real testing examples . some data mining techniques , which can be applied to semantic web mining , were also discussed in this thesis . we explored the suitability of inductive logic programming ( ilp ) method in semantic web mining in more detail , and showed how to make use of this method in the semantic context
  3. At the realization of the system , we analyze the integral structure and working principle of our system at first . then , we show the relationship among tables in core database . lastly , we study automatic document categorization algorithm and propose algorithm descriptions and experiment results of chinese language segmentation , schema matching of paper titles and clustering
  4. This study is backed by the research project of stimulus onset asynchrony ( soa ) detection , a newly devised multisensory erp experimental method . on the basis of spatiotemporal pca and existing temporal component extraction method , a spatial component extraction method was designed and materialized . detailed algorithm description , software development introduction and application example discussion were all presented
    本研究以一种新型的多感知erp实验方法?异步刺激检测法( soadetection )的研究项目为背景,以时空pca与现有的时间成分提取法为基础,进行了空间成分提取法的算法设计,并做了软件开发及应用分析。
  5. The main work is as follows : 1 . introduce the main thoughts in overall designs of the chinese intelligent input method based on grammar and semantics , present its overall structures and make clear the functions of its function models . meanwhile , briefly introduce the collocation repository 、 grammatical repository and semantic repository used in this input method ' s core algorithms , provide the definitions needed for algorithm descriptions
    主要工作如下: 1 .介绍汉字语法语义智能输入法总体设计思想,给出该输入法的整体结构,确定其各个模块要实现的功能;简单介绍汉字语法语义智能输入法中采用的中文信息处理领域基本理论的研究成果- - - -词语搭配知识库、语法和语义搭配知识库;并给出各算法描述过程中所需的定义。


  1. algorithm controller 什么意思
  2. algorithm convergence 什么意思
  3. algorithm covergence 什么意思
  4. algorithm data attributes 什么意思
  5. algorithm decomposition 什么意思
  6. algorithm design 什么意思
  7. algorithm design automation 什么意思
  8. algorithm execution time 什么意思
  9. algorithm explanation 什么意思
  10. algorithm fast fourier transform 什么意思


调查:   读研更容易让人抑郁    (双语)

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